Experienced bass anglers already know about the assorted designs of bass fishing hooks that are on the market today. Newcomers to the sport should take the opportunity to learn about the different styles of bass fishing hooks and their particular uses and advantages.
Off Shank Hooks
Off shank hooks work the best with artificial bait. They feature a bend at the top of the hook where it is tied to the fishing line. Shank hooks are constructed in this manner for a reason. The way they work is by turning directly in to the fish's mouth when the hook is set. The way the hook is set has a great impact on whether or you catch a fish or not, especially when using artificial lures. Regular hooks can also be effective but shank hooks will catch larger quantities of bass, delivering consistent results over and over again.
Straight Shank Hooks
Straight shank hooks are very effective when used with live bait. Minnows work really great with these hooks. The design of a straight shank hook doesn't hinder the actions of live bait. This type of hook allows the bait to swim naturally, the bait is then able to do its job and draw bass to it. When a bass strikes at the bait, the fish actually inhales it. When the hook is set, it then gets caught in the hard bony sides of the mouth of the fish.
Super Sharpened Shank
Super sharpened shank hooks are excellent with artificial bait. With the super sharpened shank, the angler is able to place the artifical bait higher up on the hook, which also keeps the fish from getting away as a result of the bass " short striking."
Each of type of bass fishing hook has it's own uniqueness. These hooks can be used in many different ways. Bass anglers have many choices to make when it comes to selecting fishing hooks. Each individual must select the the most appropriate bass fishing hooks for their own purposes. It narrows down to a matter of personal preference.
Outsmarting That Big Bass
When you are dealing with these very "aware" fish, the best approach is to hide your hooks as much as possible. You have to outsmart that big ole' bass. Remember that you are on their turf. They are more familiar with it than you are. Therefore, it is critical to be very particular with your fishing techniques. A savvy bass might spot your hook and stay away due to recognizing the risk it poses.
Gone fishin'